Lake Atalanta is an ecological treasure with a direct tie to Historic downtown Rogers and many adjacent neighborhoods throughout the city. The goal and intent of the project is to enhance these existing, degraded assets and to create a premiere destination park for the city and region. While honoring the ecology of the site and integrating it with the public recreational experience, the design utilizes stormwater to create an innovative and compatible park that fights agains urbanization and starilization of the surrounding plants and wildlife.

Our design team collaborated closely with the City of Rogers to create bike and pedestrian trails leading dow the valley to provide a rare glimpse of protected environmentally sensitive vegetative zones including Ozark Trillium, Wild Ginger and White Rattlesnake Root among others. In addition to the trails our team designed elements to accommodate children, the elderly, and persons with disabilities.

The City of Rogers
Rogers, Arkansas
Ozark Highland

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